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Lumos to support implementation of child development plan in Moldova

The government of the Republic of Moldova has approved a national plan for 2023–2027 for the development of early intervention services for children with developmental delays in Moldova.
The national plan highlighted the risk of inaccessibility of early intervention services for these children and sets out an actions to address this issue. The plan has been approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and will help identify early developmental disorders in children so they may be included in support programmes.
Actions include an extension to the age of children who can benefit from these services—from three years to five years. In addition, 24 early intervention centres will be created in districts across the country. At these new centres, children will receive assistance from interdisciplinary teams, who will help them to reach their full development potential and support their educational and social inclusion.
Currently, access to early intervention services, which are necessary to slow down the progression of disease and prevent disability, is limited. This is largely due to the lack of centres near places of residence, as well as financial difficulties faced by families.
The development of a national network of providers of early intervention services will help children access specialists. This will be implemented with the support of international partners, UNICEF Moldova and Lumos. The provision of early intervention services at the new centres will be financed from existing health insurance funds.
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