Remembering Paul Hellmuth


(Pictured right) Beloved Lumos colleague, Paul Hellmuth.


Today we’re remembering our dear colleague Paul Hellmuth, who sadly passed away on the 16th of June.

Paul joined us as Finance Director at our London Office in June 2020 and over the last two years he’s made quite an impression. Not only was he extremely knowledgeable and our go-to guru on all things Finance, but he was also a pleasure to have in meetings and a valued member of the Lumos team who will be as missed for his character as for his expertise.

The picture below was taken off the coast of Spain and shows Paul gaining his skipper qualification – he was much amused at having to wear the ‘daft hat’ along with the matching gloves and shirt.

We’ll remember fondly his (multiple!) Christmas jumpers and his infectious love of rugby and sailing.

Paul was passionately committed to Lumos’ mission, and we’ll never forget how his excitement as he cheered on Team Lumos runners in the London Landmarks Half Marathon last year. The image of him surrounded by Lumos balloons, championing our cause, is how we’ll remember him.

Our thoughts are with Paul’s family.